Feng Shui: 4 Reasons Why Your Home May Not be Selling

My name is Quornesha S. Lemon, And I am a Feng Shui Consultant and Designer, I also Stage Homes, as Well as Decorate them for everyday Living. Here are four reasons your clients’ or your own home may not be selling.

We as Real estate professionals and everyday people are well aware of curb appeal for the most part. But many times, even when we spruce up the appearance of what it looks like as we enter the home, the energy may still feel a little off. This is for many reasons but I am only going to provide four ways you can improve the energy of it.

  1. Your toilet: Yes, Toilets drain energy, and in a massive way. I once had a client, who no matter what couldn’t hold onto money. Everywhere he turned he was behind the 8 ball. When I met him he seemed a little bit of a people pleaser and, narcissistic. This was going on due to his home, which is a mirror reflection of our internal world and also external. He had plenty of money, but it always seemed to go towards clothes he didn’t need, excessive drinking habits and he couldn’t sleep.

The Cure: Placing rose quartz above the toilet, along with a special request taped to it. You can buy a rose quartz crystal at any online website that sells it and also, a brick-and-mortar store. What this does is neutralizes the negative effects of the toilet, and it must be positioned above it not on it or inside of the tank. You may not always remember the golden rule of keeping your toilet seat and top closed, so this cure will help. Watch the energy flow afterward. The result of helping the client mentioned above is that his luck literally changed, he started winning on small lotteries and was able to access other money from unexpected sources.

2. The Neighboring energy: Sometimes negative effects of other homes can throw negative ch’i in the direction of the home you’re trying to sell. Or, there could possibly be competition in the area with other realtors or home sellers.

The Cure: Mirrors, buy small mirrors and place them in the trees in the back yard, this will deflect negative energy from flowing towards your listing or any real property you’re trying to sell. You will have to clean them from time to time to keep the negative energy at bay.

3. The front door mat: Avoid the use of welcome mats that have wording on them. Sometimes, people don’t like being told what to do, or they simply are off-put if something is too appealing. Instead, try decorating your listing with neutral “welcome mats” for example, A Blank Red mat, black mat but avoid white or yellow.

The Cure: Utilise Neutral colors that are dark, as this creates Yin energy as well as hides frequent traffic stains, but be sure to get some decent looking cheap mats that you don’t mind investing in time and time again if they wear easily.

4. You’ve decorated and It Still will NOT Sale: It may be time for an energy cleanse. If someone has died on the property, which in most circumstances, Realtors and Homeowners aren’t obligated to disclose unless it had something to do with a defect on the property such as a broken staircase or damaged floor. Look up the laws in your area and follow the rules according to Trec/Nar, etc. It may just be the energy of your home or that of your client. And that is where Space clearing can be a great tool for you to utilize.

The Cure: Space clearing is the treatment of real property, land, or space that has to do with the removal of entities, energy, or perhaps the stagnating vibrations of previous owners that are trying to sell. We all have a gut feeling and oftentimes that gut feeling will tell us when something isn’t right. This has a lot to do with energy. We do the same thing when we are ready to invest money into something such as a home.

Everything could look fabulous, and something just feels a little off. Space clearing can be done via distance as successfully performed from Texas to Russia, Skopje, Australia, Italy, and Across the USA by Me. Space clearing will often clear away any negative energy left behind by the owners that are trying to sell. As well as any ‘poison arrows’ that could be coming from neighbors or looky-loos.

If you’re needing assistance in Staging your listing(s), decorating, or feng shui design, feel free to contact me via email: info@saqredspacesolutions.com by phone: 424-283-2787

Thank you!


All rights reserved© 2021 www.quorneshalemon.com

Quornesha S.Lemon

is an author, Shaman, Extra Sensory Perception Gifted, and Professional Intuitive (locates missing items, people, and pets). A professional dowser, Egyptian, and reiki master. Feng shui and color expert. With an eye and gift for interior design.

As a child, she loved to visit hardware and home stores with her dad and would always grab a stash of color swatches whilst at it.

She loves to create sacred spaces and Styling interiors for optimum harmonization.

She lives in Texas with her son and daughter on their farm with peacocks, goats, sheep, and chickens.

She's known for her ability to bring clarity to those who seek it.

Please text 585-252-2218 For a consult.


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