Probate Real Estate: 6 Things The Executor is responsible for.

What is probate? Probate is the process of proving a will judicially. Which means by way of the court. Your attorney, works on your behalf to do so. Here are 5 things the executor of the estate is responsible for.

  • The execution of the final requests of the deceased through reading

  • Safeguards the assets of the deceased as previously required before the position of executor is acquired.

  • Petitions the court for probate of the will. This means providing proof of heirship, locating witnesses. Uses an attorney of the State to petition for probate. Files an oath of office.

  • Takes proper steps to collect policies of life insurance. Secures tax documents and waivers. Inventories and appraises household goods. Inspects conditions, leases, mortgages. etc.

  • Settles all proper claims and publishes the notice to creditors as well as obtain all evidence regarding propriety of each claim filed. (Which is to say, they pay all outstanding bills that you are no longer able to fulfill, now that you are deceased).

  • Hires a REALTOR® to help sell the home if that is desired. A certified Probate Specialist can help make the process of probate smoother and also alleviate some of the stress that may result from being an executor. They can also communicate with your attorney if need be when it comes to issues concerning the property.

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Quornesha S.Lemon

is an author, Shaman, Extra Sensory Perception Gifted, and Professional Intuitive (locates missing items, people, and pets). A professional dowser, Egyptian, and reiki master. Feng shui and color expert. With an eye and gift for interior design.

As a child, she loved to visit hardware and home stores with her dad and would always grab a stash of color swatches whilst at it.

She loves to create sacred spaces and Styling interiors for optimum harmonization.

She lives in Texas with her son and daughter on their farm with peacocks, goats, sheep, and chickens.

She's known for her ability to bring clarity to those who seek it.

Please text 585-252-2218 For a consult.

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