4 Magickal Ways to Save Money When Buying or Selling Your Home & reduce Stress

We all know that a visit to the psychiatrist or to the message therapist can reduce stress. However it doesn’t save a lot of money often times. Me, I am NO therapist but I do know some easy and feasible Feng-shui tips on how to save money and reduce stress at the same time. The following tips are better than the law of attraction, because you should see results almost imminently.

What is Feng Shui? Feng-Shui is the ancient Chinese system to put our life in order with regard to our homes. Something as simple as salt, can combat negative energy that one feels in the home or the office. It is the arranging of the decor in our homes or lack thereof to shift our frequencies.

Don’t burn me at the stake just yet. Some of these solutions, you may have in your cabinet already, or, you may have them in your jewelry box.

If you feel like you are always spending money, do this:

  • Put a bowl of rose quartz on the cabinet above your toilet or, You can buy a stand that sits above your toilet and sit the bowl on. It has to be above the toilet so that the money you make in your home doesn’t flow too easily to the vibration of the toilet. You may find that you are able to hold onto money more efficiently. There’s a spiritual significance to rose quartz and it’s qualities.

How it works: Rose Quartz is known for sweetening the energy of the room you place it in. It is a neutralizing stone. AND it is natural and from mother earth.

  • Organise, and keep salt bags in your office. If you have a handkerchief you can easily put some coarse iodized salt in a white cloth and keep it in your office or in your purse. This will also help you to reduce some stress.

How it works; Salt is also a neutralizer. Just think of the times you visit the beach, how do you feel after you have visited? Pretty cleansed right? And Balanced? When you are balanced and in tune with your thoughts, you spend less money.

To reduce stress:

  • Keep Lavender herbs if you are not allergic, or choose to spend less time inside. It is a scientifically proven fact that quietness will allow you to relax. I’m not sure about you, But visiting the library reduces my stress. In fact, It is a spiritual rule of thumb to give your home a break. YES, leave your home, and turn off everything that causes sound. And allow your home to just “breathe”. Take note of the energy you feel before and after you do this. You can even open up the windows discreetly while you are gone (hopefully in a walking distance, where you can watch your home. But the idea is to relax).

  • When all else fails, you can always sage your home or use an array of flowers that you are non-allergic to (preferably dried flowers that you’re able to burn in a metal pot) and elevate the energy of your home. I mean, come on, they sell statues of St. Joseph in the real estate stores, (to sell homes) so, these ideas can’t be too far fetched. So, give them a try and let me know if they have helped you to reduce your stress or even reduce the amount of overspending.

If these don’t work, text me and I can give other feng-shui tips that may be of help specifically for your situation. Possibly in a blog post for all to benefit. ♥

Happy SaQred Living! Enjoy your SaQred Space!!


Quornesha S. Lemon

SaQred Space Real Estate Group


All rights reserved© 2020 Quornesha S. Lemon

Quornesha S.Lemon

is an author, Shaman, Extra Sensory Perception Gifted, and Professional Intuitive (locates missing items, people, and pets). A professional dowser, Egyptian, and reiki master. Feng shui and color expert. With an eye and gift for interior design.

As a child, she loved to visit hardware and home stores with her dad and would always grab a stash of color swatches whilst at it.

She loves to create sacred spaces and Styling interiors for optimum harmonization.

She lives in Texas with her son and daughter on their farm with peacocks, goats, sheep, and chickens.

She's known for her ability to bring clarity to those who seek it.

Please text 585-252-2218 For a consult.


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