Feng-Shui & Alchemy To Bless your Food: Blessed Spaghetti

Do you ever prepare a really decent meal and then bless it before you eat it? This is not the way to do it…Have you ever bought a scratch off ticket and then someone wishes you good luck? The luck should have been wished upon you before you even selected the ticket. You should have said your prayers and lit your prosperity candles BEFORE you went out to buy it…This is the order of law, cause and effect. In the same way…You cannot consume food and then ask it to bless your body. This must be done before. And you cannot consume poisonous food and expect it turn around after you have consumed it.

This is why I am writing this article to teach you a bit about how to use the ingredients already in your cabinet for every sort of blessing activation.

For this we will be making spaghetti, blessed spaghetti.

You Will need:

  • Garlic powder

  • Garlic cloves

  • Basil

  • 1 can Tomato paste

  • 2 jars of Spaghetti sauce (No specific kind)

  • Sea Salt

  • Pasta

  • Your choice of ground turkey or beef

  • Your choice of veggies, whether it be mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, green onion or a combination of all…

Brown the veggies to tender in a pan of olive oil, as you put the olive oil into the pan, “Say”: I anoint myself and this food I am getting ready to fulfill and prepare, add the onions that you have chopped up: I command these onions to purify and transmute any negative things within our bodies for our highest good. Amen and Ashe (Pronounced Ah-Shay).

Then put your proceeding veggies and command whatever blessing you wish upon them. Remember, before you think this is rather cheesy, the way to anyone’s heart, is through the stomach. Keep in mind, Mushrooms are about health and protection, Onions are about drawing out bacteria. Add garlic powder to the pan of veggies and speak to the garlic powder as you place it in the pan, (About 1 tbsp), add 1 teaspoon of sea salt and ask for further protection and any prayers for your family and life.

Once you have browned the veggies, Take them out and set them to the side in a separate bowl altogether.

In the same pan, Brown your meat of choice. Cook until the pink is no longer showing, as you do, add a quarter table spoon of sea salt…add your prayers. Once it is browned, have a strainer or simply use the same pot to add a bit of water to rinse your meat after it has cooked. Then again, “say your prayers of cleansing” I ask that this meat be cleansed of any toxins or bacteria that would affect my body.

Once the meat is drained, add it back to the pan and add your sauce of choice, you may want to add according to your liking…add your tomato paste (one whole small can) as you do, ask for peace and happy times. Or whatever is needed right now. Stir in until the mix of meat and sauce are saturated together. Then, add veggies and mix until saturated. Let cook for 3 Minutes, then taste and add salt accordingly.

Salt some water for your pasta. Quarter table spoon of salt to 4 quarts of water. Ask the water to purify your pasta of contaminants or whatever you prefer as you bring it to a boil, then add your pasta…
Once the pasta is tender and to your liking, drain, and put back in the same pot you boiled it in and drizzle olive oil to prevent sticking. DO NOT RINSE THE PASTA. Then add a bit of garlic powder and basil for blessings and stir in…say your prayers and it is ready to serve.

I hope this has helped you!

All rights reserved © Quornesha S. Lemon Consulting| No rights are given for the reproduction of this post in any form other than sharing the link to it, or printing it in it’s entirety for personal use. This article is in no way intended to replace medical or a nutrionists’ advice.

Quornesha S.Lemon

is an author, Shaman, Extra Sensory Perception Gifted, and Professional Intuitive (locates missing items, people, and pets). A professional dowser, Egyptian, and reiki master. Feng shui and color expert. With an eye and gift for interior design.

As a child, she loved to visit hardware and home stores with her dad and would always grab a stash of color swatches whilst at it.

She loves to create sacred spaces and Styling interiors for optimum harmonization.

She lives in Texas with her son and daughter on their farm with peacocks, goats, sheep, and chickens.

She's known for her ability to bring clarity to those who seek it.

Please text 585-252-2218 For a consult.


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