St. Joseph for House Blessings Or to Sell a Home


Join us In a Prayer Vigil to help with the sale of your home.

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Join us In a Prayer Vigil to help with the sale of your home.

Join us In a Prayer Vigil to help with the sale of your home.

What you’ll get is: A Tea light surrounding a larger candle to St. Joseph. You can intend to have a tealight lit for 4-6 hours. This tea light will be lit for one night. However you can have multiple nights by increasing the quantity when you order. Larger (with plenty of acreage) properties usually need multiple days.

You will receive a picture, email updates and a report once your candle(s) have burned out. You can accompany this vigil with consulting if you wish. This vigil does not include over the phone consultation. However, if time and energy allows, you can receive a call up to 5 minutes before I begin. Thank you for your business.